Bob Posch, described as the fun-loving instigator and host, is entrusted with making the perogy dough days before his family's Christmas feast
Rolling the filing of potatoes, cheddar and pepper.
Vannesa Simmons
Posch uses the rolling pin passed down from his great aunt Ola for 'good energy' and to roll the perfect perogy every time.
Punching out the rounds of perky dough
Filling the perky doughs.
Cooking the perigees in hot water.
Posch teaching the next generation, his grand niece Hanna.
A perfect perogy ready to be dropped into a pot of boiling water.
Having fun in the kitchen.
Vanessa Simmons (left), Linda Quarin (middle), friend of the family and Simmons' cousin, Joanne Scrivens (right), the laughs are as plentiful as the perogies