Albert Ponzo, top left, is at the helm of the kitchen at The Royal Hotel, which offers multiple dining experiences such as the main dining room, top right:.
There is also the lobby-based wine-tasting bar, which can be completely concealed by closing the cabinet doors, bottom left; and a grab-and-go counter, bottom right, where hotel guest can pick up local sandwiches and coffee served by Kieno Carter.
The smoked white-fish mousse is elegant in its disc-shaped form, served in a soup plate. Ponzo fillets, brines and smokes the white fish (its actual name) on site and then makes it into a traditional French mousse with cream, eggs, shallots and alcohol of some kind, often white wine. The garnish is a play on granola and features different grains and seeds, including house-puffed amaranth, roasted quinoa, oats and pumpkin seeds.
The grab-and-go counter, shown on the left, features sandwiches always made with as many local ingredients as possible.