Discover Lanark County

Last Updated April 24, 2024
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The Maple Syrup Capital of Ontario

Lanark County's farm-to-table movement is a feast for the senses. Immerse yourself in a journey that begins at our picturesque farms, where farmers cultivate the land with care and dedication. From fields of fresh vegetables to pasture-raised livestock, our local producers deliver the highest quality ingredients straight to the tables of our talented chefs.

For an authentic farm-to-table experience, visit our lively farmer's markets. Stroll through the vibrant stalls bursting with an abundance of seasonal produce, artisanal cheeses, freshly baked goods, and more. Engage with the friendly farmers and producers, and learn the stories behind the food you purchase. Taste the difference in every bite and take a piece of Lanark County's culinary heritage home with you.

Immerse yourself in the culture of our breweries and distilleries, where you can witness the craftsmanship firsthand. Take a behind-the-scenes tour, learning about the intricate processes that go into creating these unique beverages. Engage with the experts, and gain a deeper appreciation for the dedication and passion that goes into each bottle.

Lanark County invites you to raise a glass, savour the flavours, and celebrate the artistry of our culinary and beverage scene. Whether you're exploring our charming restaurants, perusing the farmer's markets, or discovering the craft beverage establishments, you'll find a symphony of tastes that embody the essence of our region.

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Perth, ON
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