Fettuccine's Fine Foods

Last Updated December 04, 2023
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Fresh Food Prepared to Order.

 Fettuccine's has been operating in Ottawa since 1981. Their humble beginnings started with a small restaurant in the business section of Bank St., where they also sold fresh pastas and sauces made on the premises. From day one, they focused on using fresh and healthy ingredients.

After 14 years, they moved to Elgin St. where they opened a fresh pasta store selling regular and filled fresh pastas, fresh sauces, fresh salads, and fresh prepared meals to take home. Over the years, they added a small menu of hot dishes to take home. As they continued to grow and evolve, they realized that they wanted to focus on healthy prepared meals to be sold through other stores. With that in mind, they moved to their present location on Canotek Rd.

Fettuccine's mission is to create the healthiest possible products using as many organic ingredients as availability permits, without sacrificing the traditional presentation and taste that their customers have come to know and love.

Fettuccine's firmly believes that food and health work hand-in-hand. We are what we eat, and that's why they are committed to providing their customers with the best possible food options to help them lead healthier lives. Fettuccine's products are made with love, care, and attention to detail, ensuring that every bite is not only delicious but also nourishing.


Find it

4-5370 Canotek Rd.
Ottawa, ON
Don't worry, your email address will be our little secret.