The Grange of Prince Edward

Last Updated October 17, 2023
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Unique wines and unforgettable beauty.

There’s something about the County vibe and hospitality that makes the area so special. If you've experienced it, you simply know it and won’t easily forget.

From the earliest days of wine and winery visits in the County, The Grange has been there with the goal of being a pillar of the community; representing the area with an offering of kind welcoming warmth, uncomplicated beauty and an easy yet sophisticated hospitality that those visiting the County have come to know it for. They produce terroir-focused wines from their Grange Estate Vineyards and County fruit. Since their beginning with plantings in 2001, The Grange of Prince Edward has become known for producing primarily Burgundian wine varieties which are highly charactered and speak of the County terroir.

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990 Closson Road
Hillier, ON
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