The Shortbread Company

Last Updated October 27, 2020
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A mother-daughter team pouring two generations of care and craftsmanship into every handmade cookie they bake.

Rose-Mary Sweetman
Cookie originator and bakeshop boss extraordinaire. When you’re a woman who reads cookbooks like novels, it’s no surprise when food goes from being an interest to a calling. Whether raising her kids, running a Christmas tree farm or quickly rising through the ranks of corporate training, Rose-Mary always drew on her love of cooking and baking to bring joy and comfort to herself, her family and her friends. It’s now been over 15 years since she started taking her celebrated cookies to local farmers’ markets and lit the spark that ignited The Shortbread Company. The range of flavours keeps growing but her perfected recipes and commitment to using only premium ingredients will always remain the same.

Rosie Tejnor
Director of cookie operations and bakeshop singer extraordinaire. You know that friend who lights up a room and starts up the party no matter where she goes? That’s Rosie. Her creativity, warmth and outgoing personality drove her early success in a career that’s taken her from event planner to insurance broker and nearly everything in between. Now, not only following in her mum’s footsteps but falling into step with her side-by-side, Rosie’s following her heart and carving out her own path as an entrepreneur. Drawing on her strength of connecting quickly with people in meaningful ways, she’s honouring her mum’s success by helping to grow it further. Her strategy? Keep making delicious food and sharing it with others to bring them joy in a tiny,delicious form – the perfect shortbread cookie.

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