Hunter Little spent six years living and cooking in Montreal, working in bistros, hotels and supper clubs before attending cooking school at Lester B. Pearson in LaSalle, Qué. With school and the Red Seal certification under his belt, Little studied under Derek Damman, head chef at DNA in Montreal and later helped him open Maison Publique. With a strong desire to learn how to break down whole animals, Little went on to immerse himself in the trade at Boucherie Lawrence, picking up new techniques and recipes using all of the animal — offal and the odd bits included. That knowledge and experience has shaped Little's work back in Ottawa as he started as Riviera's in-house butcher and charcutier, before taking on the role of sous chef. "I was just inspired by Montreal as a city, a culture — I always had the goal of bringing a small piece of that back to Ottawa," Little says.