BETH JAMES & KATE TAYLOR titled \\ untitled

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Beth James Kate Taylor titled  \\  untitled Show Image


titled  \\  untitled

July 09 to August 08

Opening Reception, Saturday July 09, 3 to 6pm

Artists Talk, 4pm    

At first glance, it may appear there is no connectivity between the paintings of Beth James and Kate Taylor – except for a dedication to abstraction. Medium, colour palette and even the application of paint to surface seems wildly divergent. However, it’s this dichotomy that makes their work so appealing when hung beside each other. We get a peek into each artists’ mindset – then a revelation that abstraction itself has no limits.

Upon closer examination, we realize that process itself is the driving force in each artist’s creativity. How each painting is made is the key to the finished work, while the process of creating can be an art in and of itself.

One immediate, the other deliberate and considered. Chance – becomes an essential part of each work. For Kate, the grain of the birch panel can alter the look. The fast mixing and application of paint minutely changes each brushstroke – and the totality of the image is only reveled upon completion. Beth, on the other hand, meticulously applies watercolour to paper then allows gravity to take its course. Each line, or drip, is different from the next. No two alike. Again, totality is revealed only when the painting is complete.

Both Kate and Beth are “mark-makers”, each with a very different approach. There is a duality of intent present; marks are made, however serendipity, chaos, energy – and chance – are always present.

Date: July 08 - August 08, 2022 All Day

Location: 2gallery | 256 Main Street, Picton, ON K0K 2T0 | 613 920 2000



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256 Main Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
613 920 2000

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