Supporting Our Local Farms

Last Updated June 01, 2020
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Photo credit Matthew T Rader

Our region is home to many farms and farm families. While we all love strawberry picking in the spring through to apple picking in the fall and all the farmers' markets trip in between, for many, it has taken a crisis to realize how important these farms are to our daily lives. We have covered many farms and farmers over the past few years. Here are some of their stories.

Working for Food: Ian Walker, Mariposa Farm

The best food is always rooted in place and season. Take ratatouille. It is hard to understand ratatouille until you have a garden full of...
|County Rd. 17, Plantagenet, ON, ca

Working for Food: Suzanne Lavoie, Mariposa Farm

Suzanne Lavoie always gets a laugh when she thinks of the time her daughter told her she needed yoga. “She said, “Mom, you are so stressed...

Juniper Farm: Love, dirt and the pursuit of happiness

Juniper Farm has a growing passion for food, farming and family.

The Wright Way

Using the principles of biodynamic farming, Castor River Farm produces gluten-free raw oats, along with other virtuous victuals.

Farming Against the Grain

Faust barley is just one of the heritage grains being grown at Against the Grain Farm.
Against the Grain is a food and farm business whose goal is to cultivate change in the food system. Along with her hus-band Tony, she grows new and heritage, certified non-GMO grains that are suited...

Pickle Patch Farm

Pickle Patch farm has been providing free-range, organically raised pork and turkeys to The Red Apron for more than 10 years now....

Regenerative Agriculture

At Grazing Days Farm, Paul Slomp isn't just raising cattle, he's building better soil and capturing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as a result.

Farming the Dirt

Good food is all about good dirt. Honestly. To grow fruits and vegetables that pack a flavourful punch — you know the ones, the oh-so-sweet carrots and crunchy beans that make your taste buds sing...
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